For a downloadable/printable copy of the rules, click here: NCYBA Official Rules
Revised: March 2018
The New Cumberland Youth Baseball Association (NCYBA) is affiliated with Babe Ruth League, Inc., which includes the Cal Ripken Baseball league. These organizations have adopted the Official Baseball Rules, published by the Commissioner of Baseball, as their primary playing rules. The Official Baseball Rules is generally used as a guide only by NCYBA. Rules of Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken Baseball will be used when not covered by the NCYBA Baseball Rules. The following specific NCYBA rules supersede those of Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken Baseball:
*Teener Guidelines: Teeners will follow the rules and guidelines from the respective Leagues they participate in*
I. General Rules for Majors, Minors, Pony and T-Ball
II. Major / Minor League Guidelines
III. Pony League Guidelines
IV. T-Ball League Guidelines
V. All – Star / Tournament Guidelines
I. General Rules for Majors, Minors, Pony and T-Ball
A. Player Equipment
The NCYBA Uniform and Equipment Policy was adopted on November 9, 2010 and will be effective with the start of the 2011 season. The purpose of this policy is to ensure uniformity among all teams and players throughout NCYBA regarding uniforms and equipment.
Uniforms – NCYBA will purchase and issue all players (1) hat, (1) jersey and (1) pair of socks. Additional jerseys may be ordered by parents, but must be paid for in addition to any registration fees.
Players must purchase their own uniform pants, and the pants must be the same color as his teammates. Teams typically wear either grey or black uniform pants. Following placements, Coaches will contact their team players with pertinent information including uniform pants color.
Equipment – NCYBA will purchase team equipment including bats, batting helmets, catcher equipment, baseballs, etc.
If players choose to purchase their own equipment, the equipment must conform to the safety standards of the equipment provided by NCYBA.
If a player purchases his own bat, it must conform to any league restrictions pertaining to bats (See bat restrictions listed below).
1. Shoes with metal spikes or cleats are prohibited.
2. All catchers must wear full protective equipment whenever they are in position and a batter is in the batter’s box. A catcher’s chest protector does not have to include a groin guard, but all catchers must wear a protective cup. In addition, any player warming up a pitcher must wear a protective mask.
3. Use of batting donuts is prohibited.
4. Bats for T-Ball, Pony, Majors and Minors – the Length and Diameter Restrictions are as follows: the bat can be no longer than 33 inches and not more than 2 5/8 inches in diameter.
For Majors / Minors / Pony
All non-wood bats must have the USABat Marking. The Barrel Maximum is 2 5/8". No BBCOR Bats are permitted. For the T-Ball Division, bats must be marked with the USABat T-Ball Stamp. Solid one piece wood bats are permitted for use in all divisions.
For the 13-year-old Instructional League, The (-5) or (-3) differential bat length and weight will be maintained. For players in the Greater West Shore Teener League a (-3) bat is required. Effective January 1, 2012 all bats must have “BBCOR” embossed on them.
B. Pitchers: Majors, Minors and Pony leagues
1. Any player on a regular season team may pitch. (NOTE: There is no limit to the number of pitchers a team may use in a game.)
2. The manager must remove the pitcher when said pitcher reaches the limit for his/her age group as noted below, but the pitcher may remain in the game at another position:
11-12 – 75 pitches per day
9-10 – 75 pitches per day
7-8 – 50 pitches per day
3. Pitchers will be required full calendar rest days according to the chart below:
7-8 | 50 | 1-20 pitches | 21-35 pitches | 36+ pitches |
9-10 | 75 | 1-40 pitches | 41-65 pitches
| 66+ pitches |
11-12 | 75 | 1-40 pitches | 41-65 pitches | 66+ pitches |
4. Pitchers reaching a pitching threshold, while pitching to a batter, may finish pitching to that batter before being removed and will remain at that threshold. A pitcher is charged with the number of pitches in the specific calendar day and week in which they are pitched, regardless of whether they are league games, the playoff of postponed games or suspended games, tie games, or exhibition games.
5. Each team is responsible for tracking pitches. The visiting team will report players and counts to the home team at the conclusion of the game. The home team book shall be the official record of games statistics including pitch count.
6. The pitching week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.
7. Regardless if a game was forfeited before it became a regulation game or after it became a regulation game, all pitches will count towards the pitch count.
8. A player removed as the pitcher may not re-enter as the pitcher within the same game.
9. Pitches in unofficial games will not be counted in that calendar week.
10. No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch count. If a pitcher has the available pitches, a pitcher could pitch in two (2) games in a day.
11. Coaches may warm up pitchers.
12. Eleven (11) year olds selected to play in the Minor League are not allowed to pitch.
13. For the Major league only, balks committed by the pitcher will be called by the umpire as deemed appropriate; however there will be no penalty awarded to baserunners for balks that are called. Pitchers will be instructed on what they did to incur the balk, but play will resume after the timeout with baserunners at the same base they held before the balk. If a baserunner has already attempted to steal second base or third base at the time of the balk, they will be awarded that base. If there is a delayed dead ball called by the umpire on the balk, and the runner has already started for the next base at the time of the balk, the play may continue. If, on the delayed dead ball play, the runner is thrown out attempting to steal, he will not be ruled out, but should return to the previous base. Play would then resume after the timeout with the baserunner at the same base he held before the balk. There will be no awarding of home base in any balk situation. There will be no fake-to-third, throw-to-first pickoff attempts allowed. This will constitute a balk. If, with runners on first and third bases, the pitcher, while in contact with the rubber, steps toward third, but fakes the throw, and then immediately and in practically the same motion wheels and throws to first base, it is obviously an attempt to deceive the runner at first base. Such a move shall be called a balk.
14. Dropped third strike will be in effect for the Major league only.
C. Coaches
1. The maximum number of Coaches per team permitted in the dugout area during NCYBA league games shall be five (5); one (1) Head Coach and four (4) Assistant Coaches.
2. No one may be selected from the stands to Coach.
3. No Coach will use vulgar language or abuse any player.
4. Any Coach, upon becoming aware of insufficient coaching assistance, may ask for assistance from any League-approved person within NCYBA.
5. Those Head Coaches who complete a regular season and who indicate an interest to the League Commissioner, in writing, in returning for the following season, shall be voted on and approved or disapproved at the next regularly scheduled board meeting in January or February. These Coaches will submit the appropriate form to the Commissioner by the last game of the season. New Head and Assistant Coaches entering the program shall be approved no later than the last regularly scheduled Board Meeting prior to Opening Day.
6. Conduct with Umpires – If an Umpire ejects a “Coach” from a game because of inappropriate conduct, the following steps will be taken:
a. First Offense: Coach will receive a suspension from the next game. Suspended Coaches are not permitted to be within the confines of Borough Park, 12th Street, Hillside or Springer Lane. 12th Street includes all adjacent parking lots and 12th Street Road.
b. Second Offense: Coach will be suspended for the remainder of the baseball season; this includes any Post Season or All-Star games. The Board will also determine if the Coach will be permitted to return as a Coach within NCYBA for the following season.
7. Any Head Coach or Assistant Coach who is interested in coaching an All-Star Team
must notify their respective League Commissioner by May 15th.
8. Head Coaches are responsible for ensuring that their team is represented at the designated field cleanup day.
9. Head Coaches are responsible for the maintenance and general cleanup of the fields at the conclusion of each practice or game, including the raking of the pitcher’s mound and batter’s box, as well as the cleanup of their bench and spectator areas. In addition, one (1) team representative must close the concession stand.
10. It is the responsibility of the Head Coach to have signed Disclosure Statements for any adult helping with practices or games. The form is to be submitted to the Commissioner.
11. All Coaches must set an example for their team. With that said, language, poor sportsmanship and the use of tobacco products or alcohol are not permitted at any NYCBA Ball Field, including Borough Park, 12th Street, Hillside and Springer Lane. At
12th Street, this includes the parking lot, 12th Street Road and behind the trees.
12. The Head Coach is the only team representative that may ask an Umpire for an explanation of a call.
13. Failure to comply with the NCYBA Member Code of Conduct – All members of NCYBA are subject to consequences, which may lead to discipline or possible termination of membership as determined necessary by the Board of Directors, for failure to comply with the Member Code of Conduct. The League Commissioner, with the approval of the Executive Board, may act immediately and suspend any member for a period of up to two (2) games for failure to comply with the NCYBA Member Code of Conduct.
D. Selection of Players
1. Players that are not moving up in their respective league of play will generally be returned to their previous team. Coaches and/or Parents can request a player be re- drafted to another team. Requests can only be granted and approved by the NCYBA Board of Directors (President, Vice President, Secretary, & Treasurer).
2. The following rules for draft order apply – The order of player selection will be determined by the final regular season standings from the previous year. If there is a tie for any position, the tie will be broken using the following criteria:
a. If the tie is for first place, a one game playoff will be played to break the tie. This will determine the League Champion and first place trophy.
b. For other ties in the standings, break the tie by using the following criteria:
• Head-to-Head results during the regular season.
• Best Division Record – if the League has more than one division and tied teams within the same division, teams who had the best division record.
• Results of tournaments or play-offs, i.e. which tied team advanced the furthest.
• Coin Flip.
3. 7 year olds will be drafted separately and equally among the number of participating teams.
4. 8 year olds will be drafted separately and equally among the number of participating teams.
5. 9 year olds will be drafted separately and equally among the number of participating teams.
6. 10 year olds will be drafted separately and equally among the number of participating teams. 11 year olds recommended to return to the Minor League will be assigned to the same team they played on the previous year. New 11 year olds assigned to the Minor League will be drafted with the 10 year olds.
7. 10 year olds selected to play in the Major League will be drafted separately and equally among the number of participating teams.
8. 11 year olds will be drafted separately and equally among the number of participating teams.
9. 12 year olds will be drafted separately. New 11 and 12 year olds shall be drafted last and selected equally among the number of teams participating; this group will be used to equally fill out the total number of players for each team.
10. Exceptions to these draft rules may only be granted by the NCYBA Executive Board
11. If a player, in the opinion of the coaches and league officials, needs to be in a different level of instruction, with permission of the Parent/Guardian, they will be recommended for the proper level of league play. This exception pertains to 7 and 11 year olds only.
12. No team may have more than eleven (11) players. This rule is a general guideline and may be waived by the Executive Board, depending on the number of players registering from year to year.
13. Teams in all leagues will be as equal as possible with regards to the number of players per team, i.e. no team will have eleven (11) players until all other teams have ten (10) players or no team will have twelve (12) players until all other teams have eleven (11) players. T-ball teams will not be drafted; they will be assigned by age as equally as possible.
a. Batboys/girls are permitted and must wear a batting helmet while on the field.
b. Reserve players
1. The Head Coach for each team participating in the draft will determine the round the player shall be selected.
2. Head Coaches are not obligated to reserve players. Coaches will decide by the first day of placements if they intend to reserve a player. If the Head Coach’s intentions are to reserve a player, the player will be taken in the round the remaining Head Coaches decide.
3. Reserve players can be the children, grandchildren or any relative of Head Coaches or existing Assistant Coaches. Existing Assistant Coaches are those who attend at least 50% of the previous year’s games as an Assistant Coach.
4. Siblings of returning players may be reserved with a written letter from the parent/guardian to the League Commissioner prior to the draft.
5. No new Assistant Coaches may be approved prior to the draft for the purpose of a reserve pick.
c. League Commissioners will conduct the draft in accordance with the NCYBA Rules, Section I. General Rules; D. Selection of Players. Board approval is not required for each year’s draft provided that the rules herein are followed. Any exceptions to these draft rules and procedures must be granted by approval of the Executive Board prior to the draft
1. Any child living within league boundaries, not registered prior to the completion of placements will not be considered. The Association President may grant exceptions.
2. Any child that moves into league boundaries after the last registration and prior to May
1st of the current year will be added to the next available team, with consideration to the number of players on that team.
E. Practices
1. The League Commissioner on the day of player selections will establish practice dates. Practice rainouts are considered a loss for the team concerned.
2. All unscheduled practices in and out of town shall be cleared through the League
3. Swapping of scheduled practice dates is allowed after notification to the League
4. Sunday practices are permitted. These practices are not mandatory, nor can they be held prior to 1:00 PM.
F. Scheduled Games
1. Weekday games will begin at 6:00 PM. A legal lineup to start a scheduled game shall consist of eight (8) players. If a team is unable to field eight (8) players within 15 minutes after the scheduled start time of the game, the game shall be forfeited to the other team. Tied official games will start at 5:30 PM or time designated by the appropriate League Commissioner.
a. League Officials will make the Opening Day schedule.
b. The week will start on Monday and will finish on Sunday.
2. A team fielding only eight (8) players must record an out when the number nine (9) position of the batting order is scheduled to hit. A ninth player arriving after the start of the game shall be inserted into the batting order in the ninth position.
3. The day of a game, the visiting team will have use of the field from 4:55 to 5:25 & the home team from 5:25 to 5:55. The team using the batting cage will also have use of the pitching rubber at the same time. At no time may a team begin pre-game warm-ups prior to one (1) hour, 5 minutes before the start of a scheduled league game. Practice, other than pre-game warm-ups, on any day when a team has a scheduled league game is prohibited.
a. The League Commissioner will establish warm-ups for games on Saturday or Sunday.
4. No new inning may begin after 8:00 PM, Monday through Friday OR after two and one half (2 ½) hours of play on Saturday and Sunday. A new inning begins the moment the third (3rd) out is recorded in the previous inning.
a. During play-off games, the 8:00 PM/two and one half (2 ½) hour curfew is waived and continuation of play in innings beyond 8:00 PM/two and one half (2 ½) hours is at the discretion of the Umpire Commissioner or their designee.
b. The 8:00 PM/two and one half (2 ½) hour curfew shall be waived under the following circumstances:
1. Tied complete games.
2. Incomplete games (until the game becomes official at four (4) completed innings).
3. The game can only continue at the discretion of one of the following:
a. Umpire Commissioner or their assistant
b. League Commissioner or their assistant
c. League President
4. If none of the above people can be contacted for approval, the curfew cannot be waived.
5. Regularly scheduled league games are permitted on Sundays after 1:00 PM at the discretion of League Officials. No game may begin prior to 1:00 PM.
6. Saturday and Sunday make-up games are permitted provided there is no conflict with regularly scheduled games on those days.
7. All games will be rescheduled and played on the next open date unless school activities do not permit the team to field nine (9) players. The League Commissioner can grant exceptions.
8. All games on the schedule must be played. Exceptions to this rule may only be granted by the Association President
9. The home team will furnish the game balls. One new ball and another in good condition are to be used.
11. Prior to the start of the game, the two (2) Head Coaches will go over the rules with the umpires.
12. Intentional walks are prohibited.
13. If a game is called before it has become a regulation game, but after one (1) or more innings have been played, it shall be resumed exactly where it left off. NOTE: All
records, including pitching, shall be counted.
14. Home team will occupy the dugout on the third base side of the field.
15. Batters may not advance to first base in the case of a dropped third strike.
16. Games are official after 4 innings. (If the home team is winning after 3 ½ innings it is also official. If the home team is trailing they must have a full at bat (3 recorded outs) in
the bottom of the fourth for it to be an official game.)
G. Discipline
1. If a Coach has any player who is not going to play in a game for disciplinary reasons, he must notify the opposing coach and acquire the League Commissioner’s approval prior to the start of the game, stating the player’s name and the reason for disciplinary action. Benching a player for more than one game requires Executive Board approval. Any Coach removing a player from the game for disciplinary reasons must immediately notify the opposing Coach, stating the player’s name and the reason for disciplinary action.
2. Running the bases or extra practice when used for disciplinary reasons is prohibited.
H. Pass the Hat
The hat collections for all regularly scheduled games, All-Star games, Play-Off games and World Series games will be the responsibility of the Home Team.
II. Major and Minor League Guidelines
A. Divisions
The Major and Minor Leagues may have two (2) divisions if necessary.
B. Teams
Major League teams shall consist of 11 and 12 year olds (and selected 10 year olds). Minor League teams shall consist of 9 and 10 year olds (and selected 11 year olds)
C. Additional Players
*Additional player(s) to fill a team roster will be on a game-by-game basis:
1. Additional player(s) must be taken from a pool of non-starting players from each team. The commissioner will get the names from each coach. Each coach will have a list of players in the pool. Teams must be down to nine (9) players but not less than seven (7) before selecting additional players, up to a maximum of ten (10). Each team must submit a list of reserve players to their appropriate League Commissioner one (1) week before the start of the season. The list will include the player’s name, phone # and parent’s name. Additional players for the Minor League must be 8 year olds from the Pony League, in the Major League they must be 10 year olds from the Minor League.
2. The player(s) own team(s) must not have a game at the same time.
3. The player(s) may not pitch.
4. All members of the regular team roster must play before substitute player(s) may play.
D. Starters and Substitutes
All starters and substitutes must be announced at the start of the game. Substitutes will alternate at-bats with the starters throughout the whole game. In a 6-inning game, all players must play a minimum of 3 innings defensively. Additional players arriving after
the game has started may not be entered in to the game unless their team only has eight players, in which case they may be entered in the 9th position of the batting order.
E. Stealing of Bases
1. Major Division- Stealing of all bases is permitted; Baserunners are allowed to take a primary lead from any base; there will be no restrictions on the distance of the primary lead.
2. Minor Division- Stealing of 2nd base and 3rd base is permitted. Players may not steal home. Runners may take a lead off of any base once a pitched ball crosses home plate. On steal plays or in leading situations, fielders may attempt a play on the runner, however, a runner may only advance to 3rd base and may not advance home, even if the ball is overthrown or goes out of play. If in the Umpire's opinion, on a pitched ball, a player has left the base early, he/she will be instructed to go back to the original base. On a hit ball, runners may continue to advance bases until the Umpire declares the ball dead.
F. Bunting
Fake bunts (swinging bunts) are not permitted. That is, if a player shows a bunt, he or she must either attempt to bunt the ball or take the pitch. A player is not permitted to show bunt and then pull the bat back and swing at the pitch. The result of a fake bunt is that the batter is out, whether he or she puts the ball into play or not.
G. Mercy Rule
15 run mercy rule after 4 complete innings.
There is a 4 run limit in innings 1 through 5, in the 6th inning the number of runs that can be scored by either team is unlimited and there is NO infield fly rule for any games in the Minors Division
I. NCYBA Majors and Minors Play-Offs/World Series
1. Scheduling – Play -Offs/World Series dates will be announced by the League
2. All protests will be settled immediately by at least two (2) of the Play-Offs/World
Series Directors, along with the Head Umpire of the game.
3. Play-Offs/World Series Directors – The League Commissioner will be in charge of the Play-Offs/World Series, along with the League President, Vice President and Umpire Commissioner.
J. Trophies
Trophies will be awarded to the coaches and players of the World Series Champion and to the coaches and players of the World Series Runner-Up. Trophies will also be awarded to the Regular Season Champion or Champions, if there is more than one (1) division.
III. Pony League Guidelines
A. Divisions & Teams
Team rosters shall consist of 7and 8 year olds with the number in each age group to be determined by the registered players in each age group.
1. The Pony League may have two (2) divisions.
B. Game
Pony games are 6 inning games.
The beginning of the season will be 2 innings of kid pitch and 4 of coach pitch. Once every team has played each other once than the pitching changes to 3 innings of coach pitch and 3 innings of kid pitch until the end of the season. Kid pitch will start the game and coach pitch will complete the game.
C. Additional Players
Additional player(s) to fill a team roster will be on a game-by-game basis:
1. Additional player(s) must be taken from a pool of non-starting players from each team. The commissioner will get the names from each coach. Each coach will have a list of players in the pool. Teams must be down to nine (9) players but not less than seven (7) before selecting additional players, up to a maximum of ten (10). Each team must submit a list of reserve players to their appropriate League Commissioner one (1) week before the start of the season. The list will include the player’s name, phone # and parent’s name. Additional players for the Pony League must be 6 year olds from the T-Ball League.
2. The player(s) own team must not have a game at the same time.
3. The player(s) may not pitch. (Continued to the next page)
4. The player(s) are subject to normal substitute rules unless the removal of said player would cause forfeiture of the game.
5. All members of the regular team roster must play before the substitute player(s) may play.
D. Batting Order
Lineups must be exchanged prior to the start of the game, and a book must be kept by each team. All players present at the game must be placed in the batting order (i.e. If there are 11 players, they must all bat 1 through 11) In addition, in a 6-inning game, all players must play a minimum of 3 innings defensively.
Throwing of the bat will receive 1 team warning then it will be called an out.
E. Mercy Rule
10 run mercy rule after 4 complete innings.
F. Infield Fly Rule
No infield fly rule.
G. Bunting
No bunting allowed.
H. Hit by Pitch
If a pitcher hits 2 batters in the game, the pitcher must be removed as the pitcher for that game and replaced with another player as the pitcher.
I. Kid Pitch
1. A Pitcher must be removed and replaced by a Coach after either 3 consecutive walks in one inning or 4 total walks in one inning as a team. If a new pitcher comes in, after one is being relieved in the same inning, the pitch counts remains the same for that inning.
2. Once a pitcher is relieved from pitching he is unable to return as an active pitcher, but can play the pitcher position during coach pitch.
3. Pitch counts will be recorded and a requirement for resting the pitchers. See “B. Pitchers: Majors, Minors and Pony leagues” section for all requirements.
J. Coach Pitch
1. During Coach Pitch, the umpire will give the batter 2 “Free” looking Strikes that
would have been called strikes. After 2 “Free looking strikes, the umpire will let the
batter and coach know that he is going to begin calling strikes. During coach pitch
there will be no walks and there will be strike outs looking or swinging.
2. Coach to pitch at least 35’ from home plate or at the bottom of the mound.
3. Coach is not allowed to yell to the batter “Swing” while pitching to the batter. There will be a warning then if done again it will be ruled a strike.
4. If a player is hit by a coach pitch he is not able to get a fee base.
K. Base Running – “Ball in hand rule is based on the ball being hit to the outfield”
1. The base paths will be marked with a halfway line. These will help umpires decide where base runner will go after ball is back in the infield and secured by fielder in the infield (“ball in hand”).
2. Any ball put into play, batter or runners can advance until the ball is brought back to infield “ball in hand.”
3. Runner can advance or retreat at their own risk during a “ball in hand.” If the runner advances safely and if they were not past the halfway mark, they must go back to the previous base.
4. Stealing
i. Stealing is only permitted during kid pitch.
ii. Stealing of 2nd base or home is prohibited.
iii. Stealing is permitted once the ball passes home plate.
iv. 3rd base runner can’t advance to home on a catcher overthrow to 3rd base.
L. Inning Completion
Three (3) outs or four (4) runs will normally constitute a full inning for innings one (1) through five (5). In inning six (6), or the inning deemed to be the last inning of the game, three outs or batting nine (9) players will constitute the end of the inning. Teams fielding eight (8) players can only bat eight (8), with no player batting more than one (1) time per inning.
M. NCYBA Pony Tournament and World Series
1. Scheduling – tournament brackets and dates will be announced by the Pony League
2. Protests – If possible, all protests will be settled immediately by one of the
Tournament Series Directors along with the Head Umpire of the game.
3. Tournament Directors – The Pony League Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner will be in charge of the tournament, along with the following Director: The League President, Vice President, Umpire Commissioner or any Board Member.
4. Awards – Medals will be awarded to the Tournament Champions and the Second Place Team. Trophies will be awarded to the World Series Champion and Runner-Up. Trophies will also be awarded to the Regular Season Champion or Champions, if there is more than one (1) division.
IV. T-Ball Guidelines
Objective: To introduce basic skills of baseball to five (5) and six (6) year old children. Seven (7) year olds play T-Ball only if the Pony Coaches feel this is where the child belongs.
1. Good sportsmanship should always be encouraged.
2. To concentrate on throwing, catching, batting, and base running
3. Coaches should encourage players to:
a. Believe they can play ball.
b. Have patience.
c. Be a good sport.
4. Coaches should teach player the positions on the field, how to run bases, and a simple basis of each position.
A. General Rules
1. Games will be a maximum of four (3 or 4) innings.
a. On weekends, a game is over after two (2) hours of play. On weekdays, a game is over after 90 minutes of play.
2. All batters will be pitched 4 - 5 pitches to hit. If they are unsuccessful, they will hit off of the tee until the ball is hit into the field of play. No Strike Outs
3. Base Coaches are allowed at all three bases.
4. Field play will be a minimum of 5 players; No Catcher
Players are to be rotated between infield and outfield positions. If more than 5
The exception being first base, the Coach’s discretion should determine that the players being first base have the ability to field that position. (The ability to catch the ball with minimum risk of injury)
5. Coaches are permitted to pitch anywhere from home plate. The objective is to give a ball in motion however coaches see fit.
6. No advances on out-of-play overthrows – The runner only gets the base they were going to when the ball left the fielders hand.
7. No plays/outs at home plate.
8. When bases are empty and a batted ball is fielded, the ball should most likely be thrown to first base.
When runners are on base fielded ball by an infielder should result in the fielder’s closest base being tagged. Fielders should not chase after base runners, or tag runners at this level. This gameplay can be modified based on player skills and coaches teaching strategies.
9. Batters must wear helmets.
10. No bunts – Full swings are required.
11. The Home team is responsible for proper field set-up, and concession stand covergae
12. The ball must pass a 15’ arc to be in play.
13. The tee must be removed when the ball is hit into play.
14. If the bat is thrown, the batter must return and bat again.
15. Uniforms must be worn during all Games. Team Shirt, Grey baseball pants, coordinating baseball socks, and hats.
16. Pony rules, then official Cal Ripken Baseball league rules apply, if not found under T-Ball Rules.
V. All-Star Tournament Play Guidelines (Pony, Majors/Minors)
A. The Board of Directors can only authorize tournament play.
B. Tournament Players are to be selected by the Head Coaches and the League
Commissioner(s). The Commissioner(s) will coordinate the selection of players.
C. All approved All-Star Tournament Teams will consist of players of the same age group, 12s, 11s, 10s, 9s, 8s & 7s.
1. Exception – If there aren’t enough nominated players to fill out an All-Star Team at a certain age group, players that are one year younger may be invited to play up one year in age. Those players, that are invited to play a year up in age, cannot be already rostered as an All-Star in their age appropriate group.
2. In the event that after following these guidelines there are still not enough players to fill out an All-Star Team for a given age group, exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the Executive Board for that calendar year only.
3. Upon approval of the Board of Directors, the Central Penn Midget Tournament is open to all players in the Major League.
D. The Head Coaches of their respective leagues shall recommend the Head Coach for each All-Star Team, for approval by the Executive Board. The approved Coaches will select four (4) Assistant Coaches from the remaining Coaches in the Association and submit their recommendations to the Executive Board for approval.
E. Any player chosen for a tournament level team cannot play for, or practice with, that team until their obligation to their regular season team is finished. This rule may be waived with approval by the Executive Board.
THESE RULES were approved and adopted at the March 2018 meeting of the Board of Directors, New Cumberland Youth Baseball Association.
These rules incorporate and supersede all previous changes and amendments.